Episode 4 - Indian Explorations of the Cosmos 

Support the Opus Magnanimous project.

my tribute to Indian Astronomers, Cosmologists, Musicians and Creators of Hindu traditions. 

Includes a discussion about the measurement of time. Astronomy in rigveda. Music in Vedic texts. 

A preview of the Telescope Timeline. 

Support the Opus Magnanimous project.

sources used: 

Astronomy in rigveda & The Jyotisa Vedang; https://explorable.com/indian-astronomy 

the Vedic Period: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vedic_period 



and https://www.livescience.com/2022-peak-planetary-alignment 

Vedanga Jyotisha: 


about Yuga: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuga#:~:text=A%20yuga%2C%20in%20Hinduism%2C%20is,(joining%20of%20two%20things). 

measuring time… https://nrich.maths.org/6070 

What is Time? https://physics.mit.edu/news/the-challenge-of-measuring-time/ 

music of the vedic texts… 


Basic concepts of Aadi Tal (Indian drumming rhythms): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbKOT4mVxpw 

Contemporary Indian Space Program: https://www.planetary.org/space-missions/chandrayaan-1 

a preview of the Telescope Timeline, I’d like to share this Nice history of telescopes 


for next Episode: Nancy Grace Roman Will be Launching on a Falcon Heavy Rocket 

Text of the podcast will be available later in the week.

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